Where the hell have I been? Or more accurately, did anyone notice me gone? I’m back…..

Well, my father was back in the hospital again. Of course, I had caught up on all things blog and email and work, and boom…. I have read some books in the last two weeks, just not as many as I had been( I was on quite a tear for about two weeks there). I will be posting a book a day for the next 5 days straight, b/c that’s about what I’ve read. And I’m almost done with another one…so… if you see a multitude of posts, my apologies. I have much to catch up on.

Dad’s holding his own. His hemoglobin number had dropped by half since his last bloodwork five weeks prior, so they admitted him to try to find the cause. He had one test which showed nothing.  3 transfusions later, they were and are still stymied. They want him to have a procedure which will pinpoint the cause and they’re able to fix it. Despite pleas from my sister and I, he refused. They doubled his meds and he has to go in every week to have blood drawn so they can monitor the hemoglobin. Last Thursday’s test showed it had risen, so good news there. Next test is tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes. They believe it was a tear in the intestinal tract and sometimes the doctors assure us these things happen and repair themselves. We are hoping and praying that is the case.

So that’s where I’ve been. Mass apologies to my followers, and I will be back on track starting today(collective groans are welcome and understood.).

~ by generationgbooks on October 2, 2012.

One Response to “Where the hell have I been? Or more accurately, did anyone notice me gone? I’m back…..”

  1. Seems like your Dad could save himself a lot of trouble by being more cooperative, but it sounds like he’s the kind of guy who does things his way or no way at all. Good in some situations, not so much in others.

    I envy your opportunities to read, and read, and read…I lost that opportunity 7 years ago, as of October 12. 🙂

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